Some ideas to make Gift giving simpler for the male species:
a. what she needs : needs are to be fulfilled. It's a husband's duty. This can not take place of a gift.
b. what the house needs : buy it by all means - the TV, the car, the lamp, the oven. A flower vase. your house will look good. But not in disguise of a gift for your beloved! She deserves something for herself.
c. where personal choice/size matters: like cosmetics and footwear.
a. What she likes: A hobby set: a canvas, complete with easel and brushes, a special copy with an equally special pen, a musical collection.
b. What she want, but won't buy otherwise: Something that is "not worth the price." She won't buy it for herself- but you can!
c. Dress, Jewelery, Handbags : can never be enough for a woman.
d. Feelings: expressing them comes for free, but would mean the world for her. A card, that says what you truly feel for her or better still, a love letter.
e. Fulfill a need she isn't even aware of .
a. Buy it yourself. Don't ask her to do even this by herself. Gifting is a tender gesture, not a chore. Let it be a surprise.
b. Gift Wrap it . And add something persnal to the wrap - a favorite poem, some special lines, a red rose...
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